Very Early Indeed

My most recently completed feature-length screenplay, A Darkling Plane, has been chosen as a Quarter-finalist in the first round of contests it was submitted to. In particular, the American Screenwriting Competition, sponsored by Hollywood Scriptwriter Magazine and Flat Shoe Entertainment. It represents the top 5% of those screenplays submitted.

Now, this is very early indeed, and the likelihood that it will progress is very slim, particularly since this was the original draft. However, it is rare that Quarterifinalists are “published,” even online, and because it has been published, online, it makes for an excellent addition to my resume, joining Intelligence, Blaring Static, and Occult Blood amongst those scripts of mine that have received some recognition.

Wish me luck, and here’s the website.

American Screenwriting Competition Quarter-finalists.

Also, apparently, I am:

The Subtle, and Perhaps Shy, Neck.

You are quietly appreciated more than you think. Not only for your acceptance of gentle kisses, but for the significance your fragility owns. You are easily damaged by whiplash or simply an overstuffed pillow. People even slice you when things aren’t going so great. But keep your chin up, literally.

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