Ain’t Gotta Chance, Cause All They Do Is Dance

What a week it has been. I had my first and last day of work on Monday. On Tuesday, a management company requested one of my screenplays, one that needed revision. Wednesday I had another interview, this one with a company I really liked (and probably will never hear from again) called Sobini Films. Thursday I finished three non-stop days of revision on Storybook Park, though it was technically 8 AM Friday morning. And Friday I mailed it.

Also, somewhere in there, news came down that the director is still interested in Insignificant Others after reading my writing sample, Ladies & Gentlemen. Which puts that on the pressure cooker for the next big race to the finish.

Next week, I’m back to sending out resumes, and trying to get the car insured.

2 thoughts on “Ain’t Gotta Chance, Cause All They Do Is Dance

  1. >E-mail me a place. Or your address. I'll see what I can do this weekend. You think of something sexy to do. Or sign on IM. I'll be up a little while, and if I'm asleep, I'll read it tomorrow.


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