General Updates (short version)

Fredric is pushing the Small Talker feature, hoping to get a distribution commitment, but I haven’t heard any word since the 6th.

I want Barb to artistically colorize my bedroom mirrors. A lot.

I need to buy Alli her birthday present.

Joanna and Colin promised to have music finished for The Small Talker short by the end of the year, which will finally tie up that project, and get it into festivals.

I need to get Christmas presents.

There are now four super-fancy holiday parties at super-fancy bars and clubs, which I’m supposed to attend in the next three weeks, and that makes me sick to my stomach.

I’d like to get ridiculously dressed up and sit on a couch drinking champagne for New Year’s.

In January, Shaun is shooting the Shift Work short film in NY/NJ, which may (or may not) be for entry in yet another silly competition.

In February, we’re shooting the pilot for Hell Froze Over in LA, which means there will be more read-throughs and auditions before then.

In Spring, I’m either going to Disney World or to some lake-side cabin, with an unknown number of family members.

Right now, I’m hungry but I don’t want to go anywhere. Plus, I don’t have my car.

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