Taking Stock 2010 [part 1]

Feature Screenplays

2002: wrote Intelligence and Ladies & Gentlemen
2003: wrote Blaring Static and Bad Blood (aka Occult Blood)
2004: wrote A Darkling Plane (aka Burying Amelia Waverly)
2005: wrote Storybook Park (moved to LA, January 15th)
2006: fail
2007: wrote Small Talker
2008: wrote Voodoo
2009: wrote Cheating Death and Unpredictable

Short Subject + Episodic Scripts

2002: fail
2003: Anniversary Dinner, Billy Bump
2004: Momentary Engineering, Antebellum, 20 Feet Less Dead, Tumble Dry
2005: Hit & Run, Brains!!, Signal Decay, Alien Ignorance
2006: Just Us League, Space Fax, Small Talker, Perversity & Wine, Zoe
2007: Security Deposit, Creative Comments, Business as Usual
2008: Batteries, Packages, Obama and the Red Phone, Hell Froze Over (8 episodes)
2009: Last Tank, Negative Space, Monstrous Mistress


2002: Kingdom by the Sea, Darwin’s Kids Graduation Special, The Div III 
2003: Ladies & Gentlemen (failed)
2004: Anniversary Dinner, Momentary Engineering
2005: Antebellum, Brains!!
2006: Signal Decay, Just Us League, Space Fax
2007: Small Talker, Business as Usual, Security Deposit, Firejaw
2008: Batteries, Obama and the Red Phone, Hell Froze Over (10 episodes)
2009: Negative Space, Packages

General Updates (short version)

Fredric is pushing the Small Talker feature, hoping to get a distribution commitment, but I haven’t heard any word since the 6th.

I want Barb to artistically colorize my bedroom mirrors. A lot.

I need to buy Alli her birthday present.

Joanna and Colin promised to have music finished for The Small Talker short by the end of the year, which will finally tie up that project, and get it into festivals.

I need to get Christmas presents.

There are now four super-fancy holiday parties at super-fancy bars and clubs, which I’m supposed to attend in the next three weeks, and that makes me sick to my stomach.

I’d like to get ridiculously dressed up and sit on a couch drinking champagne for New Year’s.

In January, Shaun is shooting the Shift Work short film in NY/NJ, which may (or may not) be for entry in yet another silly competition.

In February, we’re shooting the pilot for Hell Froze Over in LA, which means there will be more read-throughs and auditions before then.

In Spring, I’m either going to Disney World or to some lake-side cabin, with an unknown number of family members.

Right now, I’m hungry but I don’t want to go anywhere. Plus, I don’t have my car.

Addictive Thinking

I have an addiction to thinking about people. Beautiful and bizarre, fascinating and unusual women — they’re particularly good subjects. It’s no surprise. I am heterosexual and male.

I once wrote about a dream I had. In the dream, there was an Orwellian “Empire” that hunted people by collecting details, collecting secrets, about them. If the Empire collected enough personal information about an individual, they could eliminate that person. Mothers bundled up their children and sent them out into the world, warning them to keep their secrets, warning them to keep their silence, because “agents of the Empire are everywhere.”

At the time I wrote it, I thought the dream was about how we’d closed ourselves off to one another, how, for fear of giving others a weapon to use against us, we’d constructed walls against affection, how tactics and weaponry became necessary, simply to break through the defenses of others.

But recently, I increasingly see myself as the Empire, hungrily uncovering details about people — first, to feed the hunger of my addictive curiosity — but increasingly, in some hope of exploding their walls, of being close to someone again. I terribly miss having someone close. Someone whose thoughts, now and then, eagerly pieces together the puzzle of me. I don’t want to hide emotion and affection anymore. I want someone googling me.

And yet, as I type this, I am horrified that expressing it, those who hear it will only build stronger walls against me. No one wants more danger in their lives. Affection, closeness, and openness are danger, and no one wants that.

Meanwhile, my mind should be on The Small Talker. The movie is spiraling toward real. The storyboards are tip-toeing along, trying to catch up with the ideas I’ve already fully formed. The graphics and logos are being developed. The casting and the primary rehearsals are pretty much done. Locations need to be locked. Costumes need to be bought. Props need to be constructed.

But this week, perhaps only because everyone is away on Thanksgiving vacations, it feels like a rather lonesome pursuit. A business-like pursuit, chugging along automatically, without passion or hope for miracles. So, here I am, smoking too many cigarettes, drinking a few fingers of alcohol every night before bed, waisting away hours watching downloaded episodes of Battlestar Galactica, listening to NPR, reading books I’ve read before… and hoping for the big, cosmic change to light a fire under my ass.

Life is such a waiting game. Seizing the day seems impossible alone.

Consession Speech

Thank you all for your support, your votes, and your continuing efforts to drum up votes and support for Misplaced Planet’s little $300.00, New Jersey movie, Signal Decay, recently up for consideration on the Sci-Fi Channel / Sundance Channel Exposure Competition, missioned with discovering new filmmaking talent.

Unfortunately, despite all your gracious help, we did NOT move forward to the next round. Instead, the prize went to another film. The winning nominee was produced in 2001, by an undiscovered professional television director, and prominently features a well-established entertainment personality, absolutely unknown for his starring rolls in small, unnoticed series like M*A*S*H,as well as The Dead Zone, which aired on an unrelated, fly-by-night network called The Sci-Fi Channel.

The judges of this competition should be very proud of their selection of nominees. One must admire their strict adherence to the noble goal of seeking out new talent. We can only hope that the Grammy Music Award judges will achieve a similar clarity of purpose, and will award The Best New Artist Award to either Buddy Holly or Chuck Barry.

I must say, it is comforting to know that one of the votes made against us was likely from Alan Alda.
We were beaten by the best.

On a happier note, I am very proud to announce that I have won the Misplaced Planet Sulking Award by spending my lunch hour (or so) in a sports bar, drinking several beers and not eating. Without the support of my friends, my family, my coworkers, and particularly, my waitress, I could not have earned this glorious afternoon of despondent sleepiness, throbbing headaches, blurred vision, and slurred speech. It should also be noted that Barb Beaser was awarded the second-place Silver Sulking Award for having boldly swallowed a lithium battery.

Now, having put this debacle behind us, it’s time to SELL SOME DVDS, GET SOME DONATIONS, and make ourselves a movie called The Small Talker, so that someday soon, we’ll be as unknown and undiscovered as this round’s winners!

Thank you again! And I mean it!


My little movie Signal Decay is amongst this week’s finalists at the SciFi / Sundance Channel Exposure Competition, and YOUR VOTE decides if we move on!

You can vote once on Sci-Fi, and EVERY DAY on Sundance.

Please, check it out, vote for Signal Decay if you like Signal Decay the best, and also, tell every human you know to do the same. Family, co-workers, delivery people, numbers randomly selected from a phone book.

This is a chance to make a big difference for me and my friends, and it doesn’t cost a penny.

I’ll only be bugging you until FRIDAY NIGHT, when it will be TOO LATE.

Go here and vote for SIGNAL DECAY!


Better Than Having a Sex!

Here’s another vote you should be getting on top of this election day — if you vote for our movie in the Sundance Channel / Sci-Fi Channel Exposure Contest, you will go to Heaven when you die. Promise. And while you’re alive — it’s better than having a sex. Which I very much enjoying having. (I have male.)

Go here and vote for Signal Decay. It’s a big deal!


And go here EVERDAY and vote for Signal Decay:




Repost this message! Send it to friends and family! If you do, you will be kissed by the object you desire the most at some point in the future. If you do not, your favorite television show will go off the air (eventually). And then you’ll be SKINNED ALIVE AND HUNG IN A CLOSET BY A MAN WITH A HOOK.


Wilder, Shaun, Benni, Alli, Stirling, Karl, Gabe, Amy, and all of Misplaced Planet from now until forever.

A Physical Thing at Last

The physical DVD arrived in the mail this morning. I watched it all through. What a thrilling and terrifying experience. It’s so amazing to see it all, but also terrifying to think that people will be seeing it and judging it.

I took a few copies over to the bar where I have lunch everyday. Alli was going to stop by to pick them up, but the waitress, Shelly, bought one for herself, and then proceeded to sell three more to regular customers. People I barely know, but see almost everyday at lunch. Industry professionals with long histories. Very nerve wracking. I am horrified at the thought of disappointing them, or looking like a fool. I am not subject to personal embarrassment, but my creative pursuits are always on fragile footing. I want to be doing well, to deserve better, so badly.

Anyway, I’ll say it again: it’s worth the money. It’ll make you laugh at least once, or there’s something seriously wrong with you. It’s something to explore over and nice evening or two, maybe with friends and family. Maybe by yourself on a lonesome night. And it will help make my dream project a reality. So, shuffle on over and buy one up.


I want this to be a sign of great things becoming real. Of pleasures that I can hold in my hands.

Big Exciting Newness Abounds!!

If you haven’t heard from me lately, it’s probably because I’ve been locked away in the lab, putting together something special.  And now it’s ready.  It’s called Transmission from Sedna, and it’s a two-disc DVD set, featuring all the short-films I’ve been working on over the last three years.
They’re professionally packaged, and the main disc is pressed from a glass master – not burned – which means it’s an investment that will last, and last, and last, something you’ll hand down generation after generation.  Because DVDs will never go out of style.  Never.
On it, you’ll find full-resolution versions of all our best shorts, Momentary Engineering, Antebellum, Home Team, Brains!!!, Signal Decay, Just Us League, Home Front, Home Movie, and more. There’s over 90 minutes of stuff on the first disc alone, and it’s all short and sweet enough to watch while you eat a midnight snack.  There’s commentary on most of the films, which is almost as thrilling as actually talking to me. You’ll get deleted scenes, alternate scenes, and trailers – all presented with beautiful animated menus. Plus, you’ll find detailed Behind the Scenes documentaries for Signal Decay, Just Us League, Antebellum, The Men You’ve Killed, and Helicopter Theory, which means you’ll actually see my smiling face, something unlikely to happen any other way this holiday season.
To top it all off, you’ll find the world premiere of Anniversary Dinner, which I wrote and directed, a wicked, twisted short, and Misplaced Planet’s first official production, shot in 2003, recovered and re-edited for this collection. You can’t see it any other way. 
And, best of all, every thin-dime earned goes directly into the coffers for our next major production: The Small Talker, written and directed by me, starring Jess Temple and Matt McNutt, and filming this January.
Go here to order it online: http://www.misplacedplanet.com/shop
PS: If you buy the full set, you don’t have to get me anything for Christmas.

Pizza and Beer

The Misplaced Planet DVD has gone off to be professionally duplicated. It has six of our short-films on it, along with behind-the-scenes documentaries and commentaries. This fist disc will represent the best of the stuff we’ve done in the last two years, and I really can’t wait to see it. You can check out some samples at the forum.

If you haven’t already, you should be Misplaced Planet’s friend on Myspace. Because that’s me.

Now, we need to polish off Disc 2 of the set, which will be a bonus for the real fans, and for ourselves. Hopefully, we’ll be able to sell enough of these to partially fund the filming of Small Talker. Anything that reduces the amount of credit-spending is good.

As for me, I haven’t been getting a lot of writing done, since the design work for the DVD has consumed my time.

But I have made a lot of progress on the Small Talker production. We have Jess Temple ready to play the lead female role of Meredith, and Matt McNutt ready to play the lead male role of Elliot. There will be a read-through this Sunday, 10:30 to 1:30, and I am really nervous and pumped. I can’t wait to watch this thing become reality. I can’t wait to talk about it and really dig-in. Make plans. This is the part I love: when it gets in the hands of more and more people, and they get engaged and excited.

I’m hoping that I can get Barb to play one of the smaller roles, since they’ll be difficult to cast, and it’d be a lot of fun. She invited me to Thanksgiving at her place, which is radical. Wish it were Christmas, but I suspect she’ll be back on the East Coast for that. I won’t be.  I’d also like to get Tai to help out in anyway she can. Production, finding actresses, conning people out of money.  After all, I still have two small female roles to cast, and I want to avoid cattle-calls.

Lastly, I’ve been talking with a nice woman online, and I’m trying to maintain cool indifference while avoiding cynical retreat. You have to get excited enough to enjoy it, to push it forward, but you want to protect yourself from looking like a fool. But, as they say, everybody plays the fool sometimes. It might be my turn again. Ah well. She seems wonderful so far. Begin countdown to me blowing it.

Time and Thought

Our new short film (J.U.L) is up and running at the dvxuser.com contest, HeroFest. Embarrassingly, the forum discussion about it has been consuming more of my time and thought than it should. Which is to say, it’s gotten some time and thought. It doesn’t deserve any at all.

Meanwhile, I’ve been editing the Behind the Scenes footage for the same, and it’s been going slowly. Yes, it’s all digitized, which is an achievement. But I’ve only got about a minute of edited footage, and I’m still waiting on a tape from Shaun’s brother. I must be patient. I don’t want to go too far before I’ve seen the footage available on that tape. My method doesn’t easily allow for last-minute entries. Things get too tightly interwoven to easily revise.

Which is similar to the problem with Small Talker. Apparently, an inherent problem of the fast-moving, interwoven style that I like so much. A problem I’m going to have to teach myself to solve.

And that’s where most of my time and thought has gone of late. Struggling unsuccessfully with the script for our next short, the one I’ll direct, Small Talker. I think it’s quite good, and it has the potential to be a real crowd pleaser. Plus, it’s well without our budgetary constraints. We can do it right.

But I’m just not satisified with the ending. I’ve been writing, tinkering, stressing, pondering, relaxing, but still no real breakthrough. The final movement just doesn’t live up to the rest of the script, and it’s got to exceed it. I need it to go somewhere unexpected. I need it to hit home. I’ve got to nail it. And I haven’t yet.

So that will be my weekend. Editing footage and rewriting against a vast unsolved problem.